Hello everyone, my name is Tyler Voight. I am currently a senior at Western Washington University and will be graduating this June. I am a Communication Studies Major with a minor emphasis in Leadership Studies. I am currently in a Communication Technologies class and have been assigned to create a weekly blog. Week three of Winter quarter just came to an end and I have already learned a great deal about some very useful programs. This week I am going to be telling you all about what I have learned about Blogging, Personal Branding, and Photoshop. I hope you all enjoy this blog and feel free to leave me comments below.
Blogging is a very useful skill that I have recently learned about. Blogging is a great way to increase your online presence and also gives you a platform to share your ideas, interests and passions with the world wide web.
For some blogging tips, check out the following links:
Personal Branding:
Personal Branding is what differentiates you from others. By developing a personal brand you are essentially controlling the way that people perceive you. The process of creating your own personal brand involves, having a vision, identifying your audience, developing content and finally sharing that content with the world. Some of the content required to create a personal brand is a logo, motto, visual materials, written materials and audio materials.
Here is a great TED Talk about creating a personal brand:
For a useful tool to create your own personal logo, click on the link below:
For more information on creating personal logos, click on the link below:
Photoshop is one of the most useful tools I have ever learned when it comes to creating, polishing, finishing and enhancing photographs. If you are involved with any kind of photography I would highly recommend getting acquainted with Photoshop. There are so many possibilities of different things you can accomplish with Photoshop. It you have never used Photoshop there is a link to a free trial below.
To see some of the amazing things that can be done in Photoshop , check out this video:
For more information about Adobe Photoshop, a free trail, or to purchase the program, please click on the link below.
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